Your personal press shop & toolmaking facility
Decades of experience, modern toolmaking technologies, a personable approach and attention to detail make us the metal pressings manufacturers of choice, nationally and internationally.
Service and total quality is our business philosophy
We provide high-quality toolmaking backed by consultancy, expertise and support from our team. Our approach can either be consultative or reactive, and our focus on quality is inherent in all our technologies and processes.
Our Services
Ask our team about your toolmaking requirements:
We have worked with Cotswold Tool and Press as our supplier of steel pressings for over 30 years and in recent years where they have supplied and maintained small test rigs for our Assembly Department. During this time, we have developed a successful working relationship, they have been supportive with our requirements and offered a great service. Co-operation, flexibility and quick response time is what we receive from CTP.
Export/Stock Control Manager – Fluid Technology Specialist